Daniel Bivins Design



A11y Process

Taking 8 teams from 0 to 1 with accessibility.

The lack of process, individual ownership, and accessibility culture was causing poor quality of the experiences being delivered. These deficiencies were also proving to be expensive due to remediations.



Accessibility Specialist


1 year







Build an accessibility program across 8 existing product teams. Fix low-hanging fruit first and then work towards maturity.


All UX, Product and Engineering Leads completed Accessibility training. We also reduced the average time of an open accessibility bug ticket by more than half.

Note: This project has the client's name and other identifiers removed in accordance with an NDA.

All roles within these product teams required foundational awareness training.

In the large, cross-role teams that I work with it is common for teams to have a lack of foundational education. Utilizing workshops and shareable documentation we begin to build awareness and ownership. Failure in A11y education exhibits itself in these ways:

  • Product has little understanding of how a11y fits into delivery and how their role should be involved.
  • Engineering has inconsistent, or no, guidance on testing and “definition done” which creates uncertainty and poor quality work.
  • UX has no process of a11y annotations and handoff to engineering which causes churn, tech debt, and poor user experience.

Priority One

Priorities & goals for Product Managers

  1. Plan for a11y review of designs and code during sprint and program increment planning
  2. Ensure engineering tickets have a clear definition of done regarding a11y
  3. Learn how to talk to stakeholders about prioritizing a11y tickets against competing priorities
Product Leads getting excited about connecting their day to day work to accessibility

Understanding where "a11y fits within delivery"

Part of a visual flow I put together to help teams understand where points of contact are within the formal a11y process.

Issue-tracking dashboards per team

Providing simple and clear reporting to teams and stakeholders is another key win. Being able to provide Product teams with relevant dashboards that display the state of a11y health at a glance. This is also a useful tool in talking to stakeholders about prioritization.

Product Leads getting excited about connecting their day to day work to accessibility

Team A11y dashboards in Jira

These were labeled with status, assignee, and — most importantly — priority. The priority levels and detailed info within each Jira a11y ticket allowed Product to be able to talk to stakeholders in an informed way about prioritization.

Priority Two

Provide guidance and clarity to Engineering

Most engineers I've worked with want to build and test for a11y before submitting a pull request but they are unsure exactly how to test and what criteria they should test against.

Guidance for testing interactions with a keyboard and screen reader

Testing guidance

Contributing testing guidance to the design system gave teams the ability to test with a keyboard and screen reader. This removes any excuse of "I didn't know how to test" when a pull request occurs. Doing this encourages responsibility and ownership.

Definition of done

I wrote a definition of done documentation to improve quality and consistency in delivery. This benefits the work by:

  • Decreasing “low-hanging fruit” errors in development.
  • Providing Product and Engineering and understanding of general testing criteria we use.
A screenshot of documentation laying out a Definition of done checklist around automated testing, content reflow, semantic HTML structure, etc.

Provide guidance to engineers on how to fix

Don’t only report what’s wrong. Provide suggestions of how to remedy. Using code snippets, Codepen tests, and references I provide a path forward for Engineers.

Shoutouts in Slack from teammates thanking Dan for clear remediation guidance and code examples

Priority Three

Pairing up with and supporting UX

Creating A11y Design Annotations gets UX'ers to consider early how their decisions affect assistive tech users.

These annotations benefit teams in these ways:

  • UX can now hand off designs with concrete guidelines, removing guesswork about interactions from engineers
  • It provides testing criteria for UX, Product, and QA
  • It is an educational opportunity for designers

This is a great opportunity to teach them about the use of headings, lists, links vs. buttons, etc. in code. After walking them through how to put together these annotations, I've found that designers get excited when they begin making these design-to-code connections and are usually off to running on their own in no time.

A screenshot of a mockup with HTML annotation notes A screenshot of a mockup with screen reader UX annotation notes A screenshot of a mockup with focus order annotation notes

The Outcome

These steps resulted in the average time of an open accessibility bug ticket has been reduced by more than half as seen in this dashboard below.

A dashboard showing a more than 50% decline of accessibility bugs

And client stakeholders will get excited when they know you're delivering quality code and experiences.

A shoutout in Slack from a Project Manager about how happy a client is on the quality of delivery